Thursday, 6 December 2018

Why younger generation prefers Binge watching

Netflix, Amazon Prime are all increasing the number of good quality TV shows out there but why is it that people are generally focused on binge time rather than waiting everyday bit by bit. Well the matter boils down to the fact that younger generation wants everything fast. It's the time of instant gratification and binge watching does exactly that. Over usage of mobile phones has led us to the constant incompleteness if people don't check it within half an hour. Nobody likes to wait for the next episode and if there was a possibility to access all episodes at once maybe twenty years back people would have developed the binge habit.
Image result for Netflix shows

Today's life is fast paced and there is no time to wait. The world of instant gratification and no struggle with inner self takes place now. You want to date, no more awkward approaches or the problem of shyness, you can just swipe on Tinder and hide behind that blue screen.
This is also the reason why so many people are facing issues with social life. There is less struggle with inner demons. Four friends sitting in a cafe and all of them staring in their mobile, this is no longer a shock. Its so common now and Binge watching is the baby of this technological advancement.
The question is that - is it all bad?
Well, its not that bad if we look at the lifestyle of people today. The only time people feel free is during weekends and the rest of week they are too involved in their day to day work. Taking time off from the reality to escape into a world of fantasy for a day or two isn't bad. Its bad when we overdo it so much that it affects our circadian rhythm, unhealthy eating habits because we can't get off from the couch to cook something healthy. If these things come into the picture then its just negligence on our part. The sudden high to the extreme and the sudden lows followed by the feeling of emptiness is what happens when we finish binge watching a TV show. Anyhow, its rewarding and less frustrating when done right and unhealthy and destructive if we get too greedy.

For more binge worthy shows you can look up here

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